Yesterday's Worlds #8 - Filling in the blanks
Well, this sure took a long time to get back to. My last "Yesterday's Worlds" was on May 15, 2015 - nearly 7 years ago! A few things happened since then that I think I will skip mentioning here as it won't change matters. Sewage under the bridge, as they say.
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (Namco/Bandai Namco/2006) It's been a long time since I played AC4 and 5, but I really found this entry to be harder to get into. My first missions involved trying to figure out what buttons did what, looking for enemies and getting shot down by missiles that I couldn't figure out how to avoid. Well, I can't complain about what I "spent" on this game...because I didn't spend anything really. I got a bunch of game stuff from a couple of nice ladies (courtesy of Next Door) and in it was a slightly battered PS2 fatty. The front of the drawer was broken off (fortunately included in the lot) and the drawer was stuck. When I opened up the system, there was this disc. Apparently, the previous owner (one of their sons) was into flight sims big time. Bose headphones big. More about that another time. Anyway, there's lots here, but nothing I want to get deeply into.
Alvin and the Chipmunks (Sensory Sweep/Brash Entertainment/2007) As you might expect, I got this for my daughter, MsSarah, as she likes to listen to the Chipmunks CD I (foolishly) got for her many years ago. I had no real idea what kind of game this was - it was a thrift pickup and very few questions were asked. At it's core, it's a deep, heart felt, moving, socially conscious, action, Souls-like, rogue-like...rhythm game...without all the adjectives preceding that. It's a VERY simple button pressing rhythm game and I'm not sure it's even pressing buttons to any type of discernable rhythm! There are four colored circles in each corner of the screen. As stars are spewed out of the center, you have to press the L1, L2, R1, or R2 button that corresponds to the corner the star is going to. There is a Rockometer on the left side that measures how well you are doing - let it go red and it's Game Over, man! And...that's it. A few non-animated cut scenes, wooden voice-overs, and what I'm guessing is 18 Alvin and the Chipmunks songs to "play". Small wonder it garnered a stunning 33 on Metacritic. Honestly...and I'll deny this if I'm ever brought to testify in its defense, I kinda liked it? Also, the VOD didn't get muted, so there's that in the plus column.
I don't know if I was streaming any of my YW gaming back then, but it's something I do now. Today I started playing some of the PS2 games that I got since 2015, filling in the blanks on my spreadsheet.
Okay, so getting back to these. If you want to catch up, here are the previous seven Yesterday's Worlds blog posts (Note: Before I came up with the catchy title of Yesterday's Worlds, I was calling these Back to the Past. I think it was a change for the better.):