What I Bought in 2016

I dove into my online old order listings and pile of Gamestop receipts to come up with most of the games I bought in 2016:

2/22 Atari Anthology (PS2) EB
2/23 Farcry Primal (PS4) BB
3/2 Dark Souls III (PS4)
3/2 Valkyria Chronicles Remastered (PS4)
3/2 Quantum Break (Xbox One)
3/7 Pikmin 3 (WiiU)
3/7 Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii)
3/12 Guitar Hero Live (PS4) BB
3/22 The Crew Wild Run Edition (PS4) BB
3/22 God of War III Remastered (PS4) BB
3/24 Darksiders II Remastered (PS4) BB
3/23 Dark Souls (360)
4/3 One Piece Unlimited World Red (PS3)
4/7 Onechanbara Z2 Chaos (PS4)
4/7 Ratchet & Clank (PS4)
4/7 Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4)
4/7 Resident Evil 6 (PS4)
4/7 Uncharted 4 (PS4)
4/10 Enter the Matrix (PS2) EB
4/11 Final Fantasy IV (DS)
4/11 Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (DS)
4/11 Metro Redux (Xbox One)
4/12 Skylanders SuperChargers (PS4)
4/15 Danganronpa Another Episode (Vita) BB
4/16 Life is Strange: Limited Edition (PS4) BB
4/22 Deception IV (PS4)
4/27 Tales of Zestiria (PS4) BB
5/13 Doom (Xbox One) BB
5/18 Fable Anniversary (360) EB
5/20 Republique (PS4)
5/22 Senran Kagura 2 (3DS)
5/24 Ninja Blade (360) EB
5/24 Suikoden III (PS2) EB
6/6 Steins;Gate (Vita)
6/7 Mirror's Edge (360)
6/7 Lightning Returns: FFXII (PS3)
6/7 Odin Sphere Leifthrasir (PS4)
6/8 Heroes Over Europe (360) GS
6/8 Assassin's Creed 2 (360) GS
6/8 Battlefield 3 (PS3) GS
6/9 Tearaway: Unfolded (PS4) BB
6/9 MIB Alien Crisis (PS3) GS
6/9 Chronicles of Riddick (360) GS
6/15 Jurassic The Hunted (PS3) GS
6/15 Jerico (PS3) GS
6/15 Batman Arkham City GOTY (360) GS
6/21 Dead Island Definitive Collection (PS4) BB
7/2 Calling (Wii)
8/7 Blue Dragon (360) EB
8/9 No Man's Sky (PS4)
8/10 Donkey Kong Country Returns (3DS) BB
8/29 Resident Evil 5 (PS4) BB
8/30 Resident Evil 4 (PS4)
9/13 Dead Rising (PS4)
9/25 Mega Man Legacy Collection (3DS)
9/26 Call of Duty 3 (360)
9/30 Carmageddon: Max Damage (PS4)
10/3 Dead Rising 2 (Xbox One)
10/6 Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary (PS4) GS
10/6 Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary (Xbox One) GS
10/10 Silent Hill: Downpour (PS3)
10/11 Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4)
10/11 Quantum Break (PC)
10/13 Silent Hill: Downpour (360) EB
10/18 Quantum Theory (PS3) GS
10/18 Dungeon Siege III (PS3) GS
10/18 FEAR (PS3) GS
10/18 FEAR 2 (PS3) GS
10/18 FEAR 3 (PS3) GS
10/18 El Shaddai Ascension (PS3) GS
10/18 The Darkness (PS3) GS
10/18 Bodycount (PS3) GS
10/18 Battlefield Bad Company (PS3) GS
10/18 Battlefield Bad Company 2 (PS3) GS
10/18 Ar Tonelico Qoga Knell (PS3) GS
10/20 The Darkness 2 (PS3) GS
10/20 Two Worlds II (PS3) GS
10/25 Yomawari: Night Alone Limited Edition (Vita) BB
10/26 Infinite Undiscovery (360) GS
10/26 The Godfather (360) GS
11/2 Assassin's Creed Rouge (360) EB
11/9 Destroy All Humans (360)
11/10 Dishonored 2 (PS4)
11/25 Rayman Legends (360)
11/29 FFXV (PS4)
11/29 Medal of Honor Airborne (360) EB
11/30 Goldeneye Reloaded (360) GS
11/30 Divinity II (360) GS
12/4 Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (360)
12/4 Metal Gear Solid V (Xbox One)
12/6 The Last Guardian (PS4)
12/8 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist (360)
12/14 Hitman: Absolution (360)
12/15 Catherine (360) EB
12/17 Homefront: The Revolution (PS4) BB
12/17 Attack on Titan (PS4) NE
12/18 Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
12/25 Dead Rising 4 (Xbox One) BB
12/26 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4) BB

(BB - Best Buy, EB - eBay, GS - Gamestop, NE - Newegg, nothing - Amazon)

Note: This doesn't include the massive Black Friday Sale Games Haul I chronicled in my End of 2016 post. To see that list and a picture, click HERE.

The good thing about this is seeing all the games that I completely forgot I bought earlier in the year. There were a lot more than I thought there would be. It also shows some interesting trends.

  • I didn't have any games listed from Fry's.
  • I didn't have any current PS4 or Xbox One games that I bought used.
  • I bought more from Amazon than Best Buy even though I have Gamer Club Unlocked.

For 2017, I think I'll keep a list as I buy them. I did that several years back and it was a long list, but back then I was still buying PS2 and OG Xbox games. Last year I only got 360 games because of Backwards Compatibility. I'm still getting the odd PS3 game, but I found a large group at a Gamestop on 10./18 - someone had just cashed in their collection and everything was in pristine condition.


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