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Yesterday's Worlds #9 - Some of the missing A's

Things, as they say, didn't go quite according to plan. I was  going to play Aqua Aqua, ATV Off Road Fury 3, Atari Anthology, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. My PS2 console had other ideas.  Aqua Aqua (Zed Two Limited/3DO/2001) Okay, I see what they were trying to do here - a 3D puzzle game where you drop walls Tetris-style to contain water. Cool graphics idea for a tech demo, I guess, but you need to have better controls! Maybe with a mouse it would have played decently. With the control sticks, it was a mess. ATV Off Road Fury wouldn't read in the PS2. Bad disc? Maybe. I've never tried playing it before, so give it the benefit of the doubt.  Atari Anthology (Digital Eclipse/Atari/2004) Collections like this are pure treasure troves of video game historical records. Those of us grey beards that remember the arcade and Atari 2600 days are transported back to a simpler time when games only gave you 3 lives for a quarter and joysticks had just a single button. On the down s...

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